Traditionally Known as "The Magician"
About the Major Arcana One
Which I call "Power".
With the Major Arcana One the personality becomes self-aware. Aware of the fire of life and the ability to self-determine. Amazed, the new born ego declares, "I AM!" Thus this card symbolizes the ego in action; awareness and activation of the will. The personality is empowered; this self realizes that every resource it needs is here now. In a reading this card often denotes a strong declared choice for action and success in thought, word and deed. This self-actualization is primal: comparable to the 'discovery' and utilization of tools and fire that propelled humans from the status of just another animal species to the position of dominant predator on the planet that we hold today. This then, is the card of primal "Fire in the Belly", and is yang in energy - the card is traditionally thought of as being 'male' for that reason. The main symbols derived from this energy which associate with this card are magical tools and a person wielding them, and fire. The color red: this card is related to the Root (survival) chakra. This card is ruled by the planet Mercury. In traditional Tarot decks a male sorcerer type figure is shown, along with the suit symbols of the Minor Arcana which represent the 4 elemental powers available to the personality willing and able to wield them. The Magician points toward heaven (usually with a wand) and Earth - a magical gesture indicating the drawing down of Power: 'as above, so below'. Above his head hovers the cosmic lemniscate (infinity symbol), which also refers to The Mystic Messenger God Hermes and is a symbol of eternal life. The Traditional Magician is surrounded by blooming flowers, indicating that the World is His Garden. For me this last is a bit too 'flowery', if you will, for such an image of the primal will. I feel, as I do with the Fool/Soul energy, that things are much more basic than that! This card represents nothing more or less than the original Will To Do - a simple and powerful concept.
The Magician/Power Reversed
A reversed Magician/Power card in a Tarot reading often indicates a disbelief in or denial of the Power available. A weakness of will. Possibly a lack of skill but usually the problem indicated by this reversal is one of attitude, not ability! This is a personality that doesn't believe in itself! The card turning up at all indicates a time for achievement is at hand, and the Power is present, but it must be believed in to be felt and utilized. You CAN do this, if you but think you can! I do feel I must call attention to another possibility with this reversal: one to be aware (beware!) of. Inherent in the idea of a dominant being wielding tools is the possibility that one might abuse this power (As the dominant species we humans often have!), and sometimes a reversed Magician/Power card is calling attention to just this abuse or potential for abuse. This is a tricky one, and surrounding cards in the reading should be paid close attention to for clues as to whether this is the case. Abuse of Power can lead to destructive situations for all, including the one with the Power.
Notes on the Artwork
All the paintings I am doing for this deck are the same media and format: 11" x 15"; acrylic paint, ink and prismacolor pencil on illustration board. Due to the strong yang energy here, I show a male figure in my image, and I have chosen the setting and scene to be a very primal one. This man has gone out onto the desert floor after a rain at night. The place he's chosen for his work is an ancient Place of Power, with old monolithic stones about. As men have done for millennia, he lights a fire and dances naked around it, drawing down the Power, and feeling pretty good about it! He is surrounded by the 4 elements: Earth (the stones), Air (smoke and the air symbol, his blade which is a stone knife), Water (the puddles which remain after the recent rain and reflect the fire), and of course the Fire itself. The Man also holds a burning stick (a 'wand', the fire suit) aloft. A Spirit Messenger and Sign of Strength, a lion, appears within the fire - a sign that the Will and the Magic have been activated. I included the infinity symbol as a carving atop one of the megaliths, because it is a personally important symbol to me.
Questions or comments about my art and Tarot are always welcome! eMail me at: