This page updated 1 Mayo, 2002
Click on a thumbnail view below to see a larger version and read about each painting!
"Yes We Can"
"The Queen of Heaven"
"Spider Grandmother and Coyote"
"De Oro la Danza"
"St. Francis in Sonora"
"I Stand for my Horse"
"When the Baskets Would Walk"
"I Wonder if the Moon Rides a Horse..."
"The Dawn Women"
More on their way!
Self-Portrait with Spiritual Kin, mixed media on quilting linen, handpainted and carved saguaro rib frame with mirrored eyes, 64"H x 40"W, c. Luna Rivera, 2001.
This painting is not for sale: it hangs in my gallery space at home and goes to every show with me! This picture comes from a very deep place inside me: curiously I find it difficult to talk "sensibly" about it - I, who am so wordy, usually ('tho perhaps not at all sensible!). But really: I painted this to say in images what is too deep and primal for words from me... this portrays for me my closeness to the Moon, the Sky, the Land and Her creatures. Every one shown here is so dear to my heart: Surprise, my very old horse, whom I can no longer ride except in this picture; Hootie the owl that my Dad and I rescued when I was a kid; Tishka my First Wolf; Little Son, dear sickly kitten who passed while this was being painted. Personal representatives of all the beloved creatures of this planet. Over my shoulder peers a fellow simply called "Wolf", the culmination and representation of all the myths, legends, fairy-and-folk tales that I love. He helps me keep the stories alive. The wondrous Moon is above our heads and below our feet. I hope you like seeing this painting. By the by: I am having difficulty getting a good scan from the photos I just took of this piece: I hope to get something better to put up here soon!
A Little Bit About My Paintings...
I started out many years ago painting in oils, but quit that about as soon as acrylics came out, and have never painted in oil since! I do paintings on wood and paper as well as fabric (I don't use just canvas!), but this page is devoted just to the paintings on fabrics. I have really gotten into the painting on paper lately, and reserve painting on fabric only for larger works nowadays. Go
to see my section with the paintings on wood; and
to see the section with my paintings on paper.
I gave up painting on primed (gessoed) surfaces long ago: preferring the soft absorbent surface of the raw material. It really does create a completely different look than what you get with gesso! As mentioned above: I often paint on types of cloth other than canvas: muslin, gauze, etc. When one of those is used it's always noted in the description of that painting.
Traditional, store-bought frames just look awful with my paintings, and I either build my own from lumber, or buy plain frames of a good wood in thrift stores, etc. when I can find them; and then paint and/or carve them in some way that is harmonious with the painting the frame is to go on. I often just extend the Painting itself out onto and around the frame.
As for my style: I really don't know what to say about it other than that it is something that has just developed organically over time! I never really tried to push myself in a certain direction: just let whatever developed, develop! I am enamored of light and color, and I think my paintings certainly reflect this! I am fond of good draftsmanship: feel that the foundation of a good painting lies for me, at least, in good drawing. With a good drawing, light and lots of color I can really say thru my works about what I want to!
Here are some older works you might like seeing: click on one of the thumbnails for a larger view.
Questions and comments about my work are always welcome: click on the E-Mail button below.