These Pages Updated 14 Febrero, 2002
Click on a thumbnail below to go to pages showing my smaller paintings on paper in the different themes noted.
Nature Scenes
Images of Animals and Santos Coming soon!
Also check out the separate section containing my book illustrations (themselves works on paper)
I have begun creating some larger paintings on paper. These pieces usually have elaborate mixed-media frames I've made, and usually some of my scrawlings (mostly poetry) accompany them as well! So each one will have it's own page. Come back soon to see the first one:
The Moon wears a Mask
A couple years ago, someone gave me some really nice handmade paper: not recycled, but new fiber; very thick and heavy and soft. I didn't know what to do with it at the time, but put it carefully away to "think about it", and only pulled a piece out a couple times to make a few hand-lettersd cards from.
Then there came a day when I needed to make a very small painting for a specific purpose, and became quite frustrated by the way the tooth of the canvas interfered with the detail I wanted to show. Then I suddenly remembered this gift of paper, soft and porous like the unprimed canvas and wood I usually paint on, but perfectly smooth. Also thick enough, I thought, not to buckle from wet paint like thinner papers would. I did one small picture on the paper just to see what that was like...and now I'm hooked! Except for really big, "grand" pieces (which I still do on canvas), I find myself now painting almost exclusively on paper!
I still have some of the original paper left, because the person who gave it to me (thank you Gail S.!) gifted me with several huge sheets. It had been made by a friend of hers who's name I still don't know. But I know I'll run out soon, and so I've tried other paper, and find I like a #400 cold-pressed paper, as well as just plain 'ol illustration board: the soft-finish kind (who knew???)!
I do these the same as all my stuff: just regular acrylic paints, applied in my technique of several layers. And I do find that I can create smaller, delicate images using these papers, some really small actually, that I know I couldn't do on canvas...or rather had tried to do but not been satisfied with due to the interference of the canvas' inherent texture. Not every picture has to be so big! Using this paper I can create "little gems".
A bit of other information you might like knowing: most of these paintings are fairly small: none in the categories at left is over about 8" x 11". Some, like the "Mariposa" picture, are quite small: about 3" x 5". Most little pictures like this that I paint are for sale: prices from $20 to $100 or so (nothing that will break the bank!). The larger pieces I'm talking about below left are mostly for sale too, but of course are priced higher. Greeting cards of most of the images are available now: see my
Prints and Notecards
page for more details on those. E-Mail me about availability of the originals!