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Portal Adentro Pasar el Verano
Check back soon for new mirrors!
I have been making a number of very small mirrors fframed in a technique of my own invention. Click the thumbnail below to go to a page all about them!
Scroll below the mirror to learn more about these and why I call them "Magic Mirrors"!
"Portal Adentro Pasar el Verano", mirror with hand-carved acrylic-painted frame of pine, @ 16"H x 12"W, c. 2001, Luna Rivera
The mirrors are a blend and a culmination because they combine all my skills learned over a lifetime - painting; sculpture; woodworking; glazing; sewing and beading and Oh! I don't know what all else...into one form. Each piece as a unit exemplifies all these and the level of craftsmanship I've attained within them. All my work has been moving for some time now toward a form best described as "mixed media", and with these mirrors I have to admit that!
The mirrors bring me full-circle because my father was a glazier (that is a person who specializes in working with glass). He worked at this trade, and this trade only, all his life. He worked not only with windows and doors - which people commonly associate with glass - he also worked in stained glass and HE MADE MIRRORS. He loved to make fancy mirrors and made lots of them. I was his only child, and I spent hours out in his shop watching him work. And he taught me how to do what he did, although he expressed with some regret that he felt I would not be able to get employment myself in this field, because I was a woman and it was (and is) a male-dominated trade. He proved correct - I later tried to get work in glass shops and the always-male owners and staff would not even allow me a trial work period to show what I could do. My father also warned me that if I worked in glass I would get lots of cuts; so I could not be timid. This proved correct as well, but of course I really am not at all a timid person!
So I have come this full circle and I am now a mirror-maker. Since I started I feel a strong call to pursue this and know that I will continue to, no doubt favoring these mirrors over some types of things I've done in the past such as painting eggs and gourds, and making carved plaques. I do know that I will continue to paint and sculpt: although even those have come to be combinations of all my skills too - my sculptures are always painted and my paintings always have highly sculptural frames, now. Gosh...they'll probably even all have bits of mirror on them from now on!
Above photos: my small mirror "Heart and Soul of a Flower", front and back views.
My usual whiny excuse: so far I haven't documented these very well! I started making them suddenly and from the very first they sold as soon as I got them made! I make little hand or ornamental wall mirrors that start at $15 and bigger ones go anywhere up from there. The biggest I've made so far was sorta oval, @ 18" x 24", and sold for $75. But for me the sky's the limit on these and who know's what I'll do next! E-Mail me to find out what mirrors I have available right now.
Because of many questions on this subject, I need to throw this in here ... As with my other work, I simply do not accept comissions. I find that I cannot ultimately give the client what they're looking for, and have given it up as a bad job.'s nobody's fault but mine! I hope that you can find something among my already-completed work that tickles your fancy!