De Oro la Danza de Lavanda y de Violetta
(The Golden Dance of Lavender and Violet)

This image of woman and horse dancing in the spare New Mexico landscape under a monsoon sky just came to me one day in a very impromptu fashion. The painting is acrylic on raw canvas, with oake frame painted to extend the image, 18"H x 24"W. A poem for the image came the same way: scroll below the picture to read it.

I think that I will go there and dance
And I think that she will meet me there for the dance

Then across that wide golden land we'll dance

The golden plain underfoot; the turbulent golden sky above
I will have to adorn myself in purple
To match her violet

And in other hues and tones to mimic
the sky, her raiment,
and the blooming cactus flower

And then the dance
that gold and purple dance
will begin

And we'll dance

I will meet her at the golden margin of her realm
And we'll dance out the turbulence within us